This function is designed to inform the external channels about a new booking of a package.
request sendBooking (packages)
Code Block | ||||||
| ||||||
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request function="sendBooking"> <extChannel ID="57" name="SmartPMS (via SmartHOTEL)"/> <booking ID="1710054" isCorporate="n" type="package"> ... <bookedRooms> <bookedRoom roomID="7482" packagedealID="7398" name="Weekend package"> <nrofPackages>2</nrofPackages> <rate curr="EUR">288</rate> <ratesPerDay> <ratedays available="5" rateID="7825"> <rateday date="2018-01-20" curr="EUR">72.00</rateday> <rateday date="2018-01-21" curr="EUR">72.00</rateday> </ratedays> </ratesPerDay> <guestnames> <guestname smoking="n" nrofPersons="2"><![CDATA[guestname 1]]></guestname> <guestname smoking="n" nrofPersons="2"><![CDATA[guestname 2]]></guestname> </guestnames> </bookedRoom> <bookedRoom ID="7483" packagedealID="21098" name="Hiking package"> <nrofPackages>1</nrofPackages> <rate curr="EUR">180</rate> <ratesPerDay> <ratedays available="13" rateID="7826"> <rateday date="2018-01-20" curr="EUR">90.00</rateday> <rateday date="2018-01-21" curr="EUR">90.00</rateday> </ratedays> </ratesPerDay> <guestnames> <guestname smoking="n" nrofPersons="3"><![CDATA[guestname 3]]></guestname> </guestnames> <occupancies> <occupancy name="baby bed" amount="1" price="30.00"/> <occupancy name="extra bed" amount="1" price="150.00"/> <occupancy name="child bed" amount="1" price="60.00"/> </occupancies> </bookedRoom> </bookedRooms> </booking> </request> |
request sendBooking (Package)
Element | Number | Description |
request | 1 | Container element for the request |
@Function | 1 | Name of the function |
request / extChannel | 1 | Indicates the channel ID and gives authentication information for | | ||
@ID | 1 | extchannel id supplied by |
@name | 1 | extchannel name supplied by |
@password | 1 | password supplied by |
request / booking | Container element for the booking | |
@ID | BookingID | |
@isCorporate | Indicates whether the booking is made in the Corporate module. Possible values are 'y' and 'n' | |
@type | Possible values are 'room' and 'package' | |
... | ||
request / booking / bookedRooms | bookedRoom container | |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom | 1..n | Booked rooms |
@roomID | roomID where the package is connected to | |
@name | Name of the package | |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / nrofPackages | 1 | Number of packages booked |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay | 1 | ratedays container |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay / ratedays | 1..n | rateday container |
@available | 1 | Availability of the booked rate |
@corporateRateID | 1 | RateID of the corporate rate. 0 when the booking is no corporate booking |
@packagedealID | 1 | ID of the packagedeal |
@rateID | 1 | RateID of the room. 0 when the booking is a package |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay / ratedays / rateday | Rate per day | |
@date | Booked |
date in format YYYY-MM | ||
@curr | Currency of the rate | |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / rate | 1 | Total rate for this package |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the rate |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / guestnames | guestname container | |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / guestnames / guestname | 1..n | Name of the guest |
@smoking | 1 | smoking. Possible values are 'y' and 'n' |
@nrofPersons | 1 | Number of persons in the room |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / occupancies | 0..1 | occupancy container |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / occupancies / occupancy | 1..3 | Information about the extra bed |
@name | 1 | Description of the extra bed. Possible values: 'baby bed', 'child bed' or 'extra bed' |
@amount | 1 | Number of choosen extra beds for this occupancy type |
@price | 1 | The price of this occupancy type for the whole booking |
NB: Note for Rezechange partners only Rezexchange channels don't have te roomID attribute in the bookedRoom element. For this channel the roomID is displayed as the ID attribuutattribute.