This function is designed to inform the external channels about a new booking. push
request sendBooking
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <request function="sendBooking"> <extChannel ID="15" name="F@k3Pa$4"/> <booking ID="123456" isCorporate="y" type="room"> <hotelID>8</hotelID> <POS> <Source> <BookingChannel> <CompanyName Code="wlp">Own website</CompanyName> </BookingChannel> </Source> <Source> <BookingChannel> <CompanyName Code="googlehpa">Google Hotel Price Ads</CompanyName> </BookingChannel> </Source> </POS> <totalrate curr="EUR">105</totalrate> <surcharges> <surcharge type="1" includedInRate="true" paidAtCheckout="false"> <name>VAT</name> <price curr="EUR">6.00</price> </surcharge> <surcharge type="2" includedInRate="true" paidAtCheckout="false"> <name>City tax</name> <price curr="EUR">2.50</price> </surcharge> <surcharge type="3" includedInRate="false" paidAtCheckout="true"> <name>Cleaning</name> <price curr="EUR">5.00</price> </surcharge> <surcharge type="3" includedInRate="false" paidAtCheckout="false"> <name>Wifi<<name>Service charge</name> <price curr="EUR">2.00</price> </surcharge> </surcharges> <totalrooms>1</totalrooms> <arrival>2018-12-21</arrival> <departure>2018-12-23</departure> <booktime date="2018-12-20">1324391954</booktime> <arrivaltime>18:30</arrivaltime> <busleis>business</busleis> <corporateAccount>Test account</corporateAccount> <billingInstructions>This is custom payment information from the extranet of the hotel</billingInstructions> <customer> <gender>m</gender> <firstname>Mickey</firstname> <name>Mouse</name> <email></email> <address>Astreet</address> <streetnr>14</streetnr> <zipcode>1234 AB</zipcode> <city>Amsterdam</city> <country code="NL">Netherlands</country> <language>NL</language> <company>Acme corp</company> <phonenr>06-12345678</phonenr> <fax></fax> <cc_name>M. Mouse</cc_name> <cc_type>MC</cc_type> <cc_number>5555555555555555555</cc_number> <cc_cvc>987</cc_cvc> <cc_expires>2014-04</cc_expires> <remarks><![CDATA[expected time of arrival could be sooner. ]]></remarks> </customer> <payment> <totalAmount curr="EUR">105</totalAmount> <paymentCode>F0B0494459D16</paymentCode> <paymentType>CreditCard</paymentType> <paymentBrand>American Express</paymentBrand> </payment> <bookedRooms> <bookedRoom ID="1549" name="Eénpersoonskamer"> <nrofRooms>1</nrofRooms> <rate curr="EUR">105</rate> <ratesPerDay> <ratedays available="2" rateID="1720"> <rateday date="2011-12-21">52.5</rateday> <rateday date="2011-12-22">52.5</rateday> </ratedays> </ratesPerDay> <guestnames> <guestname smoking="n" nrofPersons="1"><![CDATA[Mickey Mouse]]></guestname> </guestnames> <occupancies> <occupancy name="baby bed" amount="1" price="30.00"/> <occupancy name="extra bed" amount="1" price="150.00"/> <occupancy name="child bed" amount="1" price="60.00"/> </occupancies> </bookedRoom> </bookedRooms> </booking> </request> |
Element | Number | Description |
request | 1 | Container element for the request |
@Function | 1 | Name of the function |
request / extChannel | 1 | Indicates the channel ID and gives authentication information for |
@ID | 1 | extchannel id supplied by |
@name | 1 | extchannel name supplied by |
@password | 1 | password supplied by |
request / booking | 1 | Container element for the booking |
@ID | 1 | BookingID |
@isCorporate | 1 | Indicates whether the booking is made in the Corporate module. Possible values are 'y' and 'n' |
@type | 1 | Possible values are 'room' and 'package' |
request / booking / hotelID | 1 | hotelID |
request / booking / POS | 1 | Container for 1 or 2 sources More info |
request / booking / POS / Source | 1..2 | Container for the BookingChannel |
request / booking / POS / Source / BookingChannel | 1 | Indicates the channel where the booking was made |
request / booking / POS / Source / BookingChannel / CompanyName | 1 | Name of the BookingChannel More info |
@Code | 1 | Short name of the BookingChannel More info |
request / booking / totalrate | 1 | Total rate of the booking |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the total rate |
request / booking / surcharges | 0..1 | Container for the surcharges |
request / booking / surcharges / surcharge | 1..n | one ore more surcharges for this booking |
@type | 1 | Indicates the type of surcharge More info |
@includedInRate | 1 | Is the surcharge already included in the rate price? |
@paidAtCheckout | 1 | Weather the surcharge is |
request / booking / surcharges / surcharge / name | 1 | Name of the surcharge in the language of the hotel |
request / booking / surcharges / surcharge / price | 1 | Total price of the surcharge for this booking |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the surcharge price |
request / booking / totalroom | 1 | Total amount of booked rooms |
request / booking / arrival | 1 | Arrival date in format YYYY-MM-DD |
request / booking / departure | 1 | Departure date in format YYYY-MM-DD |
request / booking / booktime | 1 | Time the booking was made in Unix timestamp |
@date | 1 | Date the booking was made in format YYYY-MM-DD |
request / booking / arrrivaltime | 1 | Time the guest expects to arrive in format HH:MM |
request / booking / busleis | 1 | Possible values 'business' and 'leisure' |
request / booking / corporateAccount | 0..1 | Name of the corporate account. |
request / booking / billingInstructions | 0..1 | Payment instructions for the corporate guest from the extranet of the hotel |
request / booking / customer | 1 | Customer container |
request / booking / customer / gender | 1 | Possible values 'm' and 'f' |
request / booking / customer / firstname | 1 | First name of the booker |
request / booking / customer / firstname | 1 | Last name of the booker |
request / booking / customer / email | 1 | Email address of the booker |
request / booking / customer / address | 1 | Address of the booker |
request / booking / customer / streetnr | 1 | Street number of the booker |
request / booking / customer / zipcode | 1 | Zipcode of the booker |
request / booking / customer / city | 1 | City of the booker |
request / booking / customer / country | 1 | Country of the booker. Always given in english. |
@code | 1 | Code: ISO3166 (A2) indicating country code. |
request / booking / customer / language | 1 | Language of the booker. Given as ISO 639-1. |
request / booking / customer / company | 1 | Company name of the booker. Element can be empty. |
request / booking / customer / phonenr | 1 | Phone number of the booker |
request / booking / customer / fax | 1 | Fax number of the booker |
request / booking / customer / cc_name | 1 | Name on Credit card (Read Credit cards for more information) |
request / booking / customer / cc_type | 1 | Credit card type |
request / booking / customer / cc_number | 1 | Credit card number |
request / booking / customer / cc_cvc | 1 | Credit card cvc code |
request / booking / customer / cc_expires | 1 | Credit card expiration date in format YYYY-MM |
request / booking / customer / remarks | 1 | Comment about the booking + guest remarks |
request / booking / payment | 0..1 | Container for the online payment information |
request / booking / payment / totalAmount | 1 | total amount of the online payment |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the total amount |
request / booking / payment / paymentCode | 1 | Unique code for the online payment generated by (length 13 characters) You can also find this code in the extranet of the hotel at the Booking tab |
request / booking / payment / paymentType | 1 | CreditCard or iDeal |
request / booking / payment / paymentBrand | 1 | VISA, American Express, Mastercard, iDeal, KBC Pay, ING Home Pay |
request / booking / bookedRooms | 1 | bookedRoom container |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom | 1..n | Booked rooms |
@ID | 1 | roomID |
@name | 1 | Name of the room or package |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / nrofRooms | 1 | Indicating how many rooms of roomtype are sold |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / rate | 1 | Total rate for this roomtype |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the total rate |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay | 1 | ratedays container |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay / ratedays | 1 | rateday container |
@available | 1 | Availability of the booked rate |
@corporateRateID | 1 | RateID of the corporate rate. 0 when the booking is no corporate booking |
@packageRateID | 0..1 | RateID where the package is connected to. 0 when the booking is a room |
@rateID | 1 | RateID of the room. 0 when the booking is a package |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / ratesPerDay / ratedays / rateday | 1..n | Rate per day |
@date | 1 | Booked date in format YYYY-MM |
@curr | 1 | Currency of the rate |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / guestnames | 1 | guestname container |
@smoking | 1 | smoking. Possible values are 'y' and 'n' |
@nrofPersons | 1 | Number of persons in the room |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / guestnames / guestname | 1..n | Name of the guest |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / occupancies | 0..1 | occupancy container |
request / booking / bookedRooms / bookedRoom / occupancies / occupancy | 1..3 | Information about the extra bed |
@name | 1 | Description of the extra bed. Possible values: 'baby bed', 'child bed' or 'extra bed' |
@amount | 1 | Number of choosen extra beds for this occupancy type |
@price | 1 | The price of this occupancy type for the whole booking |