setRates OK response but with errors
setRates OK response but with errors
This message is given when the response is OK, but with some requests which are not passed.
Hoteliers.com response
response setRates
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<response function="setRates">
<extChannel ID="15" name="test"/>
<succes count="1"/>
<failure count="1"/>
<error code="3001" name="ROOM_NOT_IN_HOTEL" type="room" var="9999">Room does not belong to hotel</error>
response setRates
Element | Number | Description |
response | 1 | Container element for the response |
@function | 1 | Name of the function |
response / extChannel | 1 | Required element, indicates the channel ID and gives authentication information for Hoteliers.com |
@ID | 1 | Extchannel ID supplied by Hoteliers.com |
@name | 1 | Extchannel name supplied by Hoteliers.com |
response / hotelID | 1 | Container element for hotel |
response / succes | 1 | Success tag |
@count | 1 | Number of rates updated |
response / failure | 1 | Failure tag |
@count | 1 | Number of rates NOT updated |
response / errors | 1 | Container element for errors |
response / errors | 1..n | Description of the error |
@code | 1 | Error id |
@name | 1 | Error description |
@type | 1 | Error type |
@var | Error var |
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