Authentication from the extChannel to Hoteliers.com
To authenticate the XML call, a channel ID, username and password identifies which XML channel is used and authenticates acces.
Authentication to Hoteliers.com
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<request function="getHotels">
<extChannel ID="15" name="test" password="F@k3Pa$4"/>
The credentials are static per extChannel. You cannot use the credentials from the example. Hoteliers.com will provide you with an ID, username and password specific to your channel.
Authentication from Hoteliers.com to the extChannel
Basic authentication is offered when bookings or cancellations are sent from Hoteliers.com to the extChannel. This authentication is not mandatory, but highly recommended for security reasons.
The credentials are static per extChannel. Hoteliers.com will provide you with a username and password specific to your channel.
, multiple selections available,