🇬🇧 Booking Engine: Taxes and surcharges more clearly in checkout

Taxes and surcharges are displayed more clearly in the checkout. This allows a guest to see more quickly what the total amount of the reservation is. Taxes and surcharges are also easier to understand in this way.


How it was


In the shopping basket in the last steps of the Booking Engine, many prices were shown. A price was shown separately for each item. Prices were also shown both without taxes, and with taxes.

Not all this information was relevant to the guest. Therefore, we looked at the most important information, to keep it and also display it more clearly.

How it will be

In the new situation, the main prices are displayed more clearly. No prices are shown at the top of the shopping cart, to make it clearer. A breakdown of taxes and surcharges is given after the total amount. This allows a guest to see more quickly what the total amount of the reservation is.

New situation





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