Hoteliers.com status

Hoteliers.com status

If there are interruptions to service, we will post updates here. When you have additional questions on these status updates, please contact support@hoteliers.com. We are happy to assist you.


Current Incidents

No incidents reported




Past Incidents


May 08, 2023

Starting Monday May 8 at 14:38, our domain provider Argeweb is experiencing performance issues on their domain servers. Hotel Websites which are affected will show a blank page. Check your own website to see if your website is affected. Argeweb makes every effort to reduce this downtime.

This issue has been resolved


Unfold below items for more info:


Timeline details

  • 2023-05-08 15:29 RESOLVED Websites up The attack on Argeweb's DNS servers is filtered out and blocked, restoring accessibility. All websites are back up.

  • 2023-05-08 14:38 Websites down We experience performance issues on the servers of our domain provider Argeweb, affecting Hotel Websites where the domain name is hosted by Hoteliers.com / Argeweb. Hotel Websites which are affected will show a blank page. Check your own website to see if your website is affected.

    The nature of this downtime is an attack on the ‘nameservers’ of Argeweb. These namservers direct traffic to your website, when a visitor types in the website address into their browser.

    To follow the status of this incident, check the status page of our provider Argeweb (in Dutch).

    • [Identified] De nameservers van Argeweb worden aangevallen. Hierdoor kunnen websites, e-mail en andere diensten van Argeweb slecht bereikbaar zijn. Er worden maatregelen getroffen om de bereikbaarheid zo spoedig mogelijk te verbeteren.




The following products are affected:

  • Hotel Websites


The following products are not affected: 

  • Booking Engines, Conversion Booster, GDS Connector, Hotel Pay, Digital Marketing, Dashboard, Direct Booking Portal, Channel Manager, XML channel connections from channel managers and PMS systems to our servers




Recommended action
We recommend to:

  • Hotel Websites which are affected will show a blank page. Check your own website to see if your website is affected.

  • If guests call your hotel, assist them via phone and or ask them to revisit your website later. Usually these kind of issues are fixed relatively fast.




There is no security risk for this incident, all guest data remains safe.


What we are doing
Argeweb is working on a solution.







April 25, 2023

Starting Tuesday April 25 at 00:40, we experience performance issues on our servers, affecting core products and all channel connections.

This issue has been resolved


Unfold below items for more info:


Timeline details

  • 2023-04-25 10:15 RESOLVED All products are working again. Check out the ‘recommendations’ below for more info.

  • 2023-04-25 10:00 Some products back up We are seeing that some products are back up. We will continue working on the resolution and we will post an update on this page once the issue has been resolved.

  • 2023-04-25 09:00 Investigating issues Our server supplier KPN has upgraded our severs overnight to increase the server limit. Due to a misconfiguration, the servers are not accessible. KPN is working hard to resolve this issue.

  • 2023-04-25 00:40 Servers down Due to a server misconfiguration, the servers for several products are down.




The following products are affected:

  • Booking Engines

  • Hotel Websites

  • Dashboard

  • Direct Booking Portal

  • Channel Manager

  • XML channel connections from channel managers and PMS systems to our servers


The following products are not affected: 

  • Conversion Booster, GDS Connector, Hotel Pay, Digital Marketing




Recommended action
We recommend to:

  • Process reservations manually when guests call.

  • Check reservations from Hoteliers.com products, that were made during the downtime. Enter these reservations manually into your PMS, if they were not sent via XML.

  • Check any updates you have made on pricing and availability during the downtime and resend these updates via your channel manager or PMS when necessary.

  • Downtime was between 2023-04-25 00:40 and 2023-04-25 10:15.




There is no security risk for this incident, all guest data remains safe.


What we are doing
Our team continues to monitor our servers to ensure the stability of all products. Also:

  • The server capacity and processing power is increased with 50% extra capacity. This should prevent the same issue from happening in the near future.

  • Our development team is also working on a long term solution: The relocation of our servers to Amazon Web Services which allows us to make use of dynamic server loads.






April 5-6, 2023

Starting Wednesday April 5 at 02:00, we experienced performance issues in the connectivity with all channel manager and PMS connections.

This issue has been resolved.



Timeline details

  • 2023-04-06 09:30 RESOLVED Channel connection to Cubilis restored The channel connection to Cubilis has also been restored.

  • 2023-04-05 17:00 RESOLVED Channel connections restored The channel connections to all channel managers and PMS systems have been restored, except for the connection to Cubilis channel manager.

  • 2023-04-05 02:00 No channel connections The connection from channel managers and PMS systems to Hoteliers.com products was unavailable. Therefore updates on rates and availability could not be sent to Hoteliers.com products. Reservations made on Hoteliers.com products were also not sent to your channel manager or PMS.




The following products were affected:

  • Channel connections from channel managers and PMS systems to Hoteliers.com products

  • Booking Engines

  • Dashboard




Recommended action
We recommend to:

  • Do a full refresh of rates and availability for all updates that were not processed between 05-04-2023 02:00 and  05-04-2023 17:00 (or 06-04-2023 09:30 for Cubilis).

  • Check if bookings from Hoteliers.com products, that were made between 05-04-2023 02:00 and  05-04-2023 17:00 (or 06-04-2023 09:30 for Cubilis), are present in your channel manager or PMS. If bookings are missing, we recommend to enter these bookings manually.




There is no security risk for this incident, all guest data remains safe.


What we are doing
Our team will continue to monitor our servers to ensure the stability of all products.




April 4, 2023



Starting this morning, we were experiencing performance issues with our servers. These issues have now been resolved.

The following products were affected:

  • Booking Engines

  • Hotel Websites

  • Dashboard

  • Direct Booking Portal

  • Channel Manager


The following products werenotaffected: 

  • Conversion Booster, GDS Connector, Hotel Pay, Digital Marketing, XML-connections from channel managers to our servers


There is no security risk for this incident, all guest data remains safe.


Timeline details

  • 2023-04-04 11:00 RESOLVED All products are working again. Our Support Team is working with our Channel Manager to resent all updates.

  • 2023-04-04 10:00 Booking Engines and Hotel Websites are still experiencing issues with loading content.

  • 2023-04-04 Early morning Several products are experiencing performance issues:

    • Dashboard Logging in was not possible. This is now resolved.

    • Direct Booking Portal This is now resolved.

    • Channel Manager Updates from the Channel Manager to http://Hoteliers.com were not possible. This is now resolved. 

  • 2023-04-03 10:30 Some bookings could not be completed. This issue was resolved in the afternoon.


Recommended action
We recommend to clear your browser cache and perform a hard refresh of the product you are looking at:

  • Windows users: Press CTRL + F5 on your keyboard.

  • Mac users: Press Command + ShiftR on your keyboard. 


What we are doing
Our team will continue to monitor our servers to ensure the stability of all products.